Range Rover Additional Security Can Phanton Scorpion S5 Thatcham Approved

Mapro Developments Ltd

Thatcham approved security scoprion s5 | immopro ltd can phantom

With Keyless entry vehicle theft at a record high this 2018 Landrover Range Rover Vogue has been totally locked down using a combination of systems to ensure total protection.

  • Keyless Entry system deactivated
  • Can Phantom Installation
  • Scorpion S5 Tracker

This combination of protection protects against thieves using a range extender to unlock your car which is the initial issue solved, unfortunately entry of any vehicle with a door lock can be done by picking the lock with the correct tools, so lets say they do gain access from picking a lock? at this point the thief will normally insert a tool  into the OBD port of the car which can start the vehicle or a new key can be created , this is where Can Phantom steps in as it totally blocks Key Cloning and OBD access - Lets just say the thief has the latest tech or a new device and fancies his chances of overriding the phantom and attempts to hack the OBD port anyway, the Can Phantom still requires a pin entry system which is entered using a sequence of in car buttons to start the vehicle so without that its not going anywhere.

What if my Vehicle is simply Lifted and Towed away whilst I'm asleep?

No device in the world will stop this happening but with one of our Scorpion S5/S5+ Systems you will have live tracking enabled with 24hour monitoring from Scorpion which is Thatcham Approved, with the scorpion system you get a unique key tag ( pictured above ) without this present in the car it will not start, it will also notify scorpion that the vehicles moving without the tag being present .

When combined these systems offer total protection against every weakness of modern keyless vehicles.

How secure is your vehicle? for a free consultation just reach out to our in-house installation business Immopro Ltd

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