Mapro Tuning: 2016 Ranger Rover SVR – Performance tune

Mapro Developments Ltd

Standard 546bhp / 672nm torque

Mapro V Perf 590bhp / 728nm torque

The SVR is simple astonishing and if you’ve not seen or heard one they sound evil.

Tuned via the OBD port this best gains 44bhp and 56nm on software alone , there is also the VIP650 package available which sees gains at 650bhp and 946nm , this is dyno proven with videos to back up.

We had the pleasure of mapping this vehicle on a mobile appointment and spent around 3 hours with the client.

The results are breathtaking for a car that already delivered huge power.

If you have a #landrover and want to get the best from your vehicle give us a call on 07426119020.

#maprotuning #professional #dyno #developed #remapping #Smith&Co

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